Sunday, March 27, 2011

Spring Break, Long Exposures and Law Enforcement

So this week about all the photos i have taken have been long exposure shots. I find them to be very artistic and something not seen very often. I uploaded my first one here earlier in the week.

On Wednesday night i got this photo at the Prairie street bridge going over I-35.
In this photo you see the north bound traffic with their head lights and the south bound red tail lights. As a side note after getting this shot i headed to the graphic arts bridge and got up on the sidewalk then had the first police officer stop turn his bright lights on and talk to me.

Then on Thursday night we had a spring lightning storm roll through our area.

On Friday night Madeline and i were in Wichita and on the way home i stopped to grab this photo of the spring burns in the Flint Hills as cars blow right by them.
While getting this photo on the turnpike i had a trooper stop pull over and turn his bright lights on and question me about what i was doing and once again had no problem and left. So a note to anyone else is be ready to talk to law enforcement if you are shooting long exposures at night.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Long Exposure

Sorry about not posting lately...

Tonight Madeline and I went out about 11pm and shot some long exposure photos. Mainly of just cars going through intersections, To me the best part of Photography is just getting out and trying new things and learning about them as you go.

Saturday, March 5, 2011


As many of you know my main is shooting video as that is mainly what i talk about here. When i started my job at the newspaper a year and a half ago i was hired for online video and that's all i did for the first year until i got the chance to fill in for a photographer just for a weekend... So six months later i am shooting photos everyday and enjoy it. This week i have covered a game every night and have to cover two games tonight.

Tuesday night i got to shoot the game at Chase County so me and madeline when out to the tallgrass prairie first to shoot some sunset photos and she got one of me:

That night i mainly shot Black & White.

Now i am off to shoot a video for the newspapers website.
Feel free to comment.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Four Seasons of Spartan Basketball

Well Friday night was my last broadcast of Emporia High basketball. Over all it went great before the game our live camera switcher went a little crazy but we got everything back on track and executed two great games that night. I would just like to thank all of our viewers, fans and especially the EHS athletes that put up with our cameras being all over the place during there games.

The four seasons came to an end after that game (due to royalties in post season play) after four years i am proud to say i have learned so much and never missed a any broadcasts!!!